Things I Miss About My Mom

Her hugs, warm and lingering.

Her giggle, it reminded me of my Grandpa, her Dad.

Her smell, a mixture of hairspray, Suave lotion, Arm&Hammer detergent and Icy Hot.

The twinkle in her eyes when I would walk into the house…exactly the twinkle her Mom, my Gran had.

Her belly laugh. She’d get so tickled she’d have tears running down her cheeks.

The sound of her peppermint candy (or cinnamon or butterscotch) clicking on her teeth when we talked on the phone every day at 4pm.

Waking to the smell of muffins in the oven every time I’d visit.

Watching her remote control obsession or her “clicker” as she called it…checking the score of whatever ballgame was on during the commercial break of one of her “shows”.

Hearing her give me the lowdown on whatever was in her church bulletin and who was on the prayer list.

Her sneezes…we both have the loudest sneezes…and never sneeze just once.

The way she’d pat my hand when she sat beside me on the couch while watching church online.

Her voice answering the phone saying, “Howdy do! How are you?”.

Watching her breathe as she napped in her spot on the loveseat.

Hearing the click of her walker wheels as she went from the carpet to the tile and back to carpet.

Kissing her good night and her telling me to sleep tight and to not let the bedbugs bite…again my grandparents.

Knowing she was a phone call or a 2.5 hour drive away.

Listening to her pray.

Watching her mark up her Sunday school book and her Bible with her red Bic pen.

Hearing her say, “Oh, shoot!”…that was about as bad as her language got.

Listening to her answer the questions on her favorite show, Jeopardy.

Watching her love on my husband, Bixby. She thought he hung the moon.

Hearing her say my name and I love you.

Everything…I miss absolutely everything about my Mom!

Peace and blessings to you and yours!


5 Replies to “Things I Miss About My Mom”

  1. OK, you made me cry today. The bedbug thing was one of my Mother’s sayings too. I wonder if it came from further back. Hugs for you!

    1. I think it goes back to Ma and Pa! A lot of things that make me, me come from them. I loved spending time with them. I have Pa’s superstitious streak! Love you!

  2. What blessings you are to each other! I am sure she is still praying for you and watching over you from heaven 🥰

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