The First of Many Firsts

I’ve only been on this grief journey for 3 weeks. I’ve done a lot of reading and research in these 21 days. What I’ve learned is twofold. One, grief follows no pattern. Your grief is your grief and my grief is mine. There may be some similarities, but each individual has to grieve in their own way. Two, the firsts are the worst.

I’ve already had two firsts. Last Monday was Kel’s birthday. The first one where I wouldn’t be talking to Mom and listening to her wonder if Kelly’s birthday card made it on time. And today. Today is my Gran’s 106th birthday. At first I was happy that Gran, Mom and Peg were finally together celebrating. Then the wave of grief hit. Today is the first of Gran’s birthdays that Mom and I won’t share our favorite Gran stories.

This wave was like a tsunami. The tears came hard and fast. I think part of it is that I am the one with those stories alone now. My grandparents were such a big part of my life, especially when I was young. Who will I tell these stories to? No one has these stories like I do.

Then, I got the nudge. I don’t have to keep these stories alone. I can share them.

I read back through my first 3 blog posts. I do have stories to tell. So, tell them, I will!

Peace and Blessings to you and yours!


One Reply to “The First of Many Firsts”

  1. Please keep sharing. We all have stories, we need to share ours and theirs. I admire the hell outta you. I’m so glad you use your voice!!!

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