I read a story where a little girl was eating her breakfast one morning when she saw a ray of sunshine come through the clouds and reflected off the spoon in her cereal bowl. She put the spoon in her mouth immediately, and with a big smile she said to her Mother, “I just swallowed a spoonful of sunshine!”
When I think about this little girl getting excited about swallowing a spoonful of sunshine, I feel a spark within me. I’d can just imagine for a moment,that a spoonful of sunshine could be some of the best soul food one could have in a day. Doctors say that LAUGHTER is sometimes the BEST MEDICINE! A good, hearty laugh extends the chest and makes the blood flow. It does one good to laugh. It takes away from feeling down and out, and laughter is contagious. It’s like a domino effect throughout a household. A good, hearty laugh is like a sweet harmony, like beautiful music. We all could use more laughter in our lives. QUOTE: IF YOU ARE ON THE GLOOMY LINE, THE WORRY TRAIN, OR THE GROUCHY TRACK, GET A TRANSFER! IT’S TIME TO CLIMB ABOARD THE SUNSHINE TRAIN AND SIT IN ONE OF ITS CHEERFUL CARS!
Proverbs 15:13 tells us that…A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. Don’t let anything crush your spirit, or let anyone steal your joy! No matter what we are going through, there is always, ALWAYS something to smile about.

3 Replies to “SUNSHINE”

  1. YES!!!! We always need to remember this. We need to try to take in a spoon full of sunshine daily!! You and I have spoken so many times of not letting anyone steal our joy. I appreciate that reminder today!! LYS Momma Karen!!!

  2. Thanks for this reminder. Gratitude is a primary ingredient of a happy heart. I find that even on my hardest days, I can find something to be grateful for. I think of that thing and imagine my breath flowing in and out of my heart center, and it helps to shift my mood. I love the “spoonful of sunshine” analogy!

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