Your Attention Is Your Currency – So Smile!

Soul Collage “Blooming Smile” by Cindye Sablatura

Heart Breath
Relief. Such relief!
Permission to breathe in....for a change
Joy in....relief in....relief out
Again and again and again
Falling into rhythm
Excavating room for my smile to bloom

Who Is in Charge of My Attention?

In January 2019, I made a commitment to myself to meditate daily. I just decided to do it instead of thinking about doing it. It was time to get off the fence. I started with short meditations and liked it so much that I worked up to an hour at a time. I have been at it for a year and half now, and I can honestly say that this has been the single most beneficial thing I have ever done for myself. The positive effects have rippled out into my life in all directions. I have become so passionate about meditation that I am currently taking a meditation teacher course so that I can share the benefits of meditation with others. At the end of this post, I have included a link to my smiling meditation for the Love You Strong community.

What have I learned? Where you put your attention is where you put your energy. The present moment is where life actually happens. Not in the past. Not in the future. Now. Try this little exercise. Go ahead, I’ll wait….

Get a blank sheet of white paper. Place it in front of you and focus on the whiteness of the paper. Keep all of your attention on this for as long as possible…….

How long did it take for your mind to wander? For most people, it’s pretty immediate. This begs the question, “Who is in charge of my attention?”

If where you put your attention is where you put your energy, your attention is your most valuable asset. We have all had the feeling of moments slipping through our fingers like grains of sand, and we wish we could truly savor them while they are happening. Our inability to focus has a huge impact on this. Our “monkey mind” kidnaps the present. Here’s the thing: your attention is your currency. Don’t squander it. Having little control over your attention limits the choices available to you. As my meditation instructor puts it, when we can’t focus our attention, “we are not free to choose where to be at any given moment in our life.” That’s a high price to pay.

What is Meditation?

In its most basic form, meditation is simply the practice of quieting your mind so that you can focus your attention on something of your choosing. At will. That’s it. There are a smorgasbord of meditation techniques out there. You just need to experiment to find one that works for you. Trying one meditation and saying meditation doesn’t work for you is like going on one bad date and deciding to stop dating. There is walking meditation, mantra meditation, chakra meditation, breathing meditation, loving-kindness meditation, and the list goes on and on. Meditation actually rewires your brain if you do it regularly, improving the quality of your attention so that you can have more influence over your ability to be fully present in any given moment. That my definition of personal mastery and freedom.

As part of my teacher training, I recently had to practice eating mindfully. That was an interesting experience. It felt awkward, mostly because I don’t eat mindfully! I am usually thinking about what I need to do next or checking my phone. What I learned is that the simple act of slowing down and giving my attention to my food, noticing its scent, texture, color, and flavor, definitely made eating more enjoyable, but I also noticed a spillover effect. I found myself appreciating the cooking process as well as my food and surroundings more. Simple practice. Ripple effect.

A Bridge to Peace and Joy

What else have I learned? There is an undercurrent of love, compassion, peace, and joy that flows in each of us. This flow is unconditional and not dependent on anything outside of you. Meditation is a bridge to this river, and with practice, you can learn to cross this bridge anytime you wish and refresh yourself. As I jump into this river more often, I am learning the difference between cause and effect and causing an effect. Cause and effect is dependent on external circumstances. Causing an effect is an internal process that I can cultivate by refining my attention. It gives me the ability to choose (cause) my inner state (effect) no matter what is going on outside of me.  It’s a work in progress, but I notice that as I practice this, I am becoming calmer and more centered in circumstances that used to rattle me. I feel a greater sense of freedom.

I have noticed that Western culture tends to focus on using meditation to improve ourselves and fix problems. While the benefits of meditation on pain, anxiety, depression, blood pressure, and a host of other things are well-documented, we tend to forget that meditation can give us the opportunity to jump in the river and play. It can help us to savor our life, cultivate a sense of gratitude, and live more fully. We don’t have to wait until we feel emotionally bankrupt to come to it.

A Smiling Meditation

The field of positive psychology tells us that good moments in life outnumber the bad three to one. So, in that spirit, I have recorded a four-minute “smiling meditation” for you. This link to the smiling meditation will take you to the new YouTube channel I have started for our Love You Strong community as a place where I can share meditations and other recorded content. The name of the channel is “Pando Unlimited” which is also the name for the business I am in the process of creating. For now, the meditation links will only be posted on LYS or given to others I choose to share them with. Eventually, I may decide to make the channel public, but I wanted a place I could hone my mediation teaching skills in a supportive group while also benefiting our community of creators. I recorded this meditation on a whim, and the idea for the channel grew out of that. I decided that “done is better than perfect” so there is no introduction or fancy setting. I jump right in. I will add things as they make sense. I just wanted to put this idea into motion. My intention at this point is to focus on creating quick and easy-to-use meditations for everyday life rather than putting my energy into complex production. I welcome your feedback, and if you have a request for a particular type of meditation you would like me to record, drop a note in the comments here or on my YouTube channel, and I will see what I can do to accommodate your request.

Namaste’ and keep smiling!

10 Replies to “Your Attention Is Your Currency – So Smile!”

  1. WOW! You are officially my spiritual guru, LOL. I am bookmarking this, having read on a busy Friday morning. I will test drive the meditation tomorrow, as well as re-read this. Almost every sentence was an important one for me, and where I am right now, and where I want to go. This is almost like a brain explosion of information and questions answered and more to come, and you know me. You know I will ask those questions. I hunger for more from you. Hunger for it. It feels rights, and it’s a territory more easily explored with trust. I thank you, my dear friend, for helping me further down the path I am destined and excited to walk. I appreciate you walking it with me, and helping me down it with a little more ease and grace. I love you for a thousand reasons. Strong.

    1. I just felt my soul do a backflip! That I could write something that someone else feels helps them come into their power and navigate their path is such an honor. It tells my soul that I am finally using my gifts. Thank you for this! Let me know what you think of the meditation. I look forward to posting more of them.

      1. I posted this on youtube, wanted to put it here. Amazing. Simply Amazing!!

        Ain’t gonna lie. Couldn’t guess how this would work. Never heard of smiling meditation. Today I did it. I am amazed. What a great exercise, especially on an anxiety filled Monday about to head to work. I love this, it will be my meditation all week to train my brain for this tool. Looking forward to many more from you!!

        1. So glad that it was beneficial to you. It’s a great way to hit the reset button and doesn’t take long. Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. I love this piece Cindye! Wonderful nuggets! “Our “monkey mind” kidnaps the present.” “…we tend to forget that meditation can give us the opportunity to jump in the river and play.” Fantastic!

    Great information! I have also been working on and enjoying my mediation practice. I usually hit about 15 minutes a session. Good for you in working up to an hour! I am excited to try your smile meditation! Thank you for sharing it with us!

  3. Thanks so much, Nancy! Glad you are enjoying your practice. I missed mine for a few days with the storm in the Gulf, not knowing what it was going to do. Got back to meditating yesterday, and I realized how much better I feel after doing it. It’s such an essential part of my day and my health – physical and mental.

    I love this, I love this!!
    More, more, more!

    This is a joyful exercise, it’s a lovely way to begin the day, but it’s also perfect before or after watching the news, or looking at FB.

    I love that you are focusing on the healing aspects for the long haul rather than just a fix for problems, and that meditation is more of an apothecary rather than a pill.

    I just love you!

    1. To know that this is helpful makes my heart feel so full. I have been challenging myself to take more more mindful moments throughout the day. Easier said than done. So, yes! I agree that this is a helpful practice to do right after something like Facebook or the news – or whatever feels stressful. Thanks for pointing me in that direction. LYS, sister!

  5. Somehow I missed this last month!

    I tried this technique today! Amazing!! So simple yet so powerful!! Getting lotsa good tips from you girlfriend!

    1. Thanks for checking it out. So glad you liked it! A little more healing from my recent surgery and I will record another one.

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