Today’s the Day

TODAY IS THE DAY that I jump in here feet first!  First of all, I want to thank Cindye and Dawn for the technical help!  And thanks for the supportive and encouraging words from everyone! Here goes……

For my first entry, I decided to share the lyrics to a song I wrote in 2018. It has a gospel/ragtime sound to it as a nod to my Granny, who first introduced me to music and the piano. Granny could read music but she could also play by ear and add her own ragtime-esque style to whatever she played.  Over the last few years, I have found that I’m able to play the piano in her style. It feels like I’m “channeling” her when I sit down at the piano and play like she did.

My band had debuted this song at our last show on March 13, 2020 just before we all began the pandemic quarantine.   Now that we’ve been living in this strange new world for almost 5 months now, I keep thinking about the words of this song.  This is not the life we expected, but it is still our life! Each day of our life, even during these confusing and trying times is still a gift.  So much of our lives is so hard right now, but at the same time, there is so much joy to find in each day.

I hope to get a recording on here sometime in the future, but for now, I’ll just share the lyrics.


Oh it's today - it's not tomorrow, it's not yesterday.
Oh it's today - today's a gift, don't let it slip away.
Oh it's today - no guarantees that tomorrow will come,
You've got to live your life today.

1. Today's the day - to hold each other a little bit stronger
Today's the day - to gaze at the sunset a little bit longer
Today's the day - to look at this amazing world with wonder
Today's the day - to treat your neighbor just a little bit fonder.

Oh it's today - it's not tomorrow, it's not yesterday.
Oh it's today - today's a gift, don't let it slip away.
Oh it's today - no guarantees that tomorrow will come,
You've got to live your life today.

2. Today's the day - no time for us to stay sad or mad.
Today's the day - life will always bring good and bad
Today's the day - to find the joy in every little thing.
Today's the day - don't wait too late to let your soul sing.

Oh it's today - it's not tomorrow, it's not yesterday.
Oh it's today - today's a gift, don't let it slip away.
Oh it's today - no guarantees that tomorrow will come,
You've got to live your life today.

Bridge -You say you'll be glad when this year is over
But can't you see your life will be one year shorter?
Don't go rushing through your life, my friend,
'cos suddenly you'll find yourself at the very end.

Oh it's today - it's not tomorrow, it's not yesterday.
Oh it's today - today's a gift, don't let it slip away.
Oh it's today - no guarantees that tomorrow will come,
You've got to live your life today.

(Lovin', livin' life today,
Don't you let it slip away,
It's not tomorrow, it's today).

Maggie Ruth (Granny) and Jeanne Ruth (age 1) – Atlanta, GA

11 Replies to “Today’s the Day”

  1. I am so happy you shared THIS piece for your first dip into the pool. What a wondrous dive it is, this beautiful reminder of how we should try to live our precious lives. We are gifted with life, no matter our challenges, tears, sorrow, because the joy, love, beauty abound and envelop us in our most desperate of times. We all need to hear these gems straight from your magnificent heart.

    No wonder you keep thinking about these words, they are more poignant now than two years ago when you wrote them. I think it is perfect that it was the last song you played, publicly, prior to our official quarantine.

    I love that you feel like you channel your grandmother as you play this, and ragtime/gospel music, what a joyful connection.

    Love you strong, dear Jeanne!

    1. Thank you April! My heart got such a lift from reading your response to my very first public post! I’m just sitting here grinning! LYS!!!

  2. Oh Jeanne! This is perfect for your first entry! I can’t wait to hear the song! I was singing along in any event! “Today’s the day!!” I love your songs – always so uplifting! They always make me smile and want to sing along! You are a great tribute to your Granny!

    1. Thank you so much Cindi, my sunrise watching buddy! I think of you when I’m watching the sunrise here on the Hill in San Marcos and I know you are probably watching from your vantage point in Dripping! LYS!

  3. Oh Jeanne, I love so much about this! First of all, the message of the song is one I strive to live by. I lost my first husband to a sudden heart attack when he was 38. Not THAT really drove home the message you express here in a way I could never fully describe. He was always reminding me that we are human BEings not human DOings. My dad played the piano by ear (boogie woogie style), and my mom’s name is Ruth. I love the picture of you with your granny! I look forward to hearing a recording of this in the future!

    1. Thanks Cindye! I love that -“Human BEings not human DOings!”. We lost my nephew at age 19, and our family learned that we have to make sure we are telling each other that we love each other today because we might not have a chance tomorrow.

  4. I love this love this love this a million times. It’s perfect for your first contribution here and I greatly look forward to the many ahead of you!! I can’t express the emotion even the mention of the word “ragtime” evokes, it will suffice to say it’s a wonderfully warm one. Much like the emotion of seeing your name, reading and hearing your words, soaking up your music and being your friend. I love you strong!!! Thanks for coming and playing in the pool with us.

    1. And I cannot thank you enough Dana for providing this opportunity for me. When you invited me, my thought was “She thinks I am a writer” and “She thinks I have something to say”! Having just completed one round of “Artist’s Way” was my first inclination that I might be able to write at all, but certainly not for public consumption! This opportunity was a game changer for me and really set my mind’s wheels in motion. I have written several titles for my next entries in my morning pages, now I just need to figure out which one to work on next! Thank you again! LOVE YOU STRONG!!!

      1. There’s a light in you that the world needs to see, not just us lucky few who know you. You ARE a writer with something to say. I write lots of stuff not for public consumption, in my daily pages, including almost daily gems including “Gotta go pee, be right back.” And “Gotta let the dogs in or out.” And, “Dinner last night was (insert meal here)”. But there’s stuff I do have to say, some of it now, some of it later. And I just know, just know, there’s so much inside you, so much I want to hear, and others will too. You are such an amazing woman. And I kinda dig your music, so there’s that too. I love your heart. Excited to see what you do moving forward, honored I’ll be right there as we grow old together!!!

  5. This is such a good write Jeane. The words to your song bring great meaning to me. From the sounds of this, we both have much in common when it comes to our Grandmothers. I look forward to reading more of your Posts.

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