I am a creator

Tracey Regnold8:07 AM (4 hours ago)
to me
I am a Creator

I am a creator. My mind is a powerful tool, and so is yours. Once you realize the power of your mind, your world is endless with possibilities. If you think it, so it will be. So, what are you thinking? What are you telling yourself? Because your mind believes you, whatever it is that you think. Are you limiting yourself with your thoughts and beliefs? A belief is only a thought you think again and again. So tell yourself good things…and good things will follow. Whatever you want is coming to you, you just have to believe it. The universe is eager to please you. Stop the limited thinking like, this is my bad luck…I’ll never get done with this…this is hell week…why is this always happening to me? Instead, flip those thoughts. Believe that good things happen, believe that hell week is just another week and you can get through it. See, it’s just a matter of changing your mindset. You are a creator. I choose to create love, beauty, peace & joy. ❤

5 Replies to “I am a creator”

  1. Love this post! I was just blogging this morning about how our body doesn’t know the difference between what we are telling it and the actual experience. What we tell ourselves matters on so many levels. Mindset is a form of creativity.

    1. Yes, yes, and yes!!! I’ve been learning so much about the power of the mind and how to harness for my best life. It’s truly amazing.

  2. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. I wish everyone would read this and take it to heart. I wish everyone could see it precisely when they need it. I did. Thank you, Tracey. I love you so strong.

    1. Thank you, my soul sister. I felt it really strongly the morning I wrote this. I’m not getting to spend as much time as I usually do contemplating, thinking and just being. During this remodel, I have to force myself to stop and take it all in. Realizing that my thoughts created ALL that is happening to me now. I’m taking in all in…and it’s delicious! Thank you for creating this beautiful forum to share these thoughts. I can’t wait until I have more time to share even more, because I truly do have a lot to share. I love you strong!!!

  3. You’re not the only one telling this truth – you’re in good company!

    “Let’s conjure up the truest, most beautiful life…our dreams become our plans.” Glennon Doyle – Untamed

    “Each of us has an inner Dream that we can unfold if we will just have the courage to admit what it is.” – Julia Cameron, Artists Way

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