M O N D A Y ,   J U N E   1 0 ,   2 0 1 9
9 : 0 5   A M ,   C D T 

Taking the wrong pathway is a sign of 
The rockstar lady living inside you emerges
The fork in the road could steer you in the 
most unexpected places…
…with unexpected people you did not know 
you needed…
…or they need you, too

Like opening pandora’s box
…and experiencing the bliss of a pleasant 

L I S T E N I N G   T O 
Lights & Motion, “Pandora”

4 Replies to “PATHWAY”

  1. Yes!! Nothing wrong with choosing that path and living the consequences!! We must own it!! Sometimes a little rebellion is good for the soul!! PS don’t tell your mom I said that. 😀

  2. I heard that, Dana. 😉 And I agree! I love everything about this poem. Sometimes rebellion means just getting out of our comfort zone, and the comfort zones that have been imposed upon us by others. That’s where things can get really interesting and transformative.

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