Pure Joy…

Have you ever had that moment where PURE JOY cannot be contained? That feeling that all is right in the world and you couldn’t be in a better place?

I find PURE JOY in nature, always have for as long as I can remember. While in the Scottish Highlands, I found that PURE JOY once again. I can’t even explain the feeling that came over me…my blood pressure dropped, a smile that couldn’t be contained, a peace like no other, and a symbiotic joining with nature. And yes the reindeer come, they come to me and we bond. The feeling was mutual…of that I am sure.

The rules of the “visit” (I prefer the homecoming) were that we were to wait for instructions and not pet or touch the reindeer until given permission. We would “need” the feed for them to come to us. Well not so much for me. As I walked up the trail and was enthralled with the beauty and wonder, Orkney decided he liked me, I was his human and he walked right up to me. PURE JOY! In the first picture, you can see our guide giving directions and Orkney hanging out with me! I was smitten and definitely in love!!! PURE JOY!! Thankful for my friend who snapped the shot.

Next Orkney and some others decide that we should take some selfies so we did! You can see the PURE JOY…lit up like no other, the warmth flows off the picture. If you look really closely, you will see that one of the reindeer was definitely a selfie – hog…then nerve LOL. PURE JOY!!

They guide had to peal us away…I wanted to stay and if I could have, I would have. We walked back down the trail to leave, and believe me that was a hard walk…I really didn’t want to leave, Orkney followed me all the way down the trail to the partitioning gate. Our guide said that was so unusual…ahhh Orkney wanted to come home with me. I tried to sneak him out but nope the guide wouldn’t have it. So I left a piece of my heart with Orkney and obviously in Scotland.

OHHH how I love Scotland and the beauty, the warmth, the feel of home, the comfort, the peace, the reindeer and so much more. PURE JOY!!!

SIDEBAR: If you find yourself with some spare change and want to make a difference, you might consider adopting a reindeer. The Cairngorm Reindeer Herd is a stunning work of nature. The herd was brought to the Scottish Highlands in 1952. A Swedish man and his wife were reminded of home and asked why there were no reindeer. They decided to re-populate the reindeer herd and it has been carefully protected ever since. Read more and enjoy…may you find PURE JOY!! Caingorm Reindeer Herd

4 Replies to “Pure Joy…”

    I actually have goosebumps on my arms as I read this!
    What a gift he gave you, and you him (for Orkney to pick you as his human, he saw YOU).
    What an incredible experience!
    Thank you for sharing this joy!

  2. I love this!!! I could just imagine being there and feeling the pure joy! Wonderful experience!

  3. I’ve been reading some about empaths and animals. And you write about that very thing here. They are drawn to us and feel us as we feel them, and by doing so we heal each other. I believe your spirits will always be connected, and telepathically you can send love and light to each other. I think by sharing this, you did just that. And you kinda telepathically sent us some love, light and healing at the same time. I thank you for that. LYS đź’–

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