Russell G

My New Friend

You know how someone starts to tell a story and they yammer on endlessly and you wonder if they will ever get to the point? Yeah, well. This is one of those. You’ve been forewarned. 😀

Did you ever watch “Sanford and Son”, the old TV show with Redd Foxx 🦊as the main character Fred G. Sanford? And when he said his name, he would always say “and the G stands for….” and insert whatever word or phrase came to mind, i.e. “Gonna give you 5 across your lip👊 !” or “Get outta my house”, you get the drift. I always absolutely LOVED that. I loved the way he misbehaved yet tried to be good and loved his family – in his own way. Okay, so why did I mention all that? I warned you, taking the long road to get to the point!

My 9th grade English Teacher was Gail Russell Pack. Those who knew her probably either loved her or despised her. I get it. She was a force to be reckoned with. She had strong opinions and would listen to opposing opinions, but if she was right, she was right. I loved how she stuck to her guns. I adored her. I recently made a list of heroes and monsters where my writing is concerned. Heroes are those who were/are supporters and encouragers. Monsters were the opposite, the ones who torpedoed my confidence at some point. I digress.

Gail made the heroes list. She had us journal 📓daily that year. And on the front of our journals, she has us write “A lot is two words.”, something I always let her know I appreciated!! She always praised and encouraged my journal writing, even when she disagreed with me. After that year, when we’d cross paths, she’d always ask if I was writing, and always said I needed to be doing it. We connected on Facebook, and became friends instead of just teacher/student. She was the Spanish teacher for my three home schooled children. And she still always, always encouraged me to write.

Made it this far? Slow news day, right? Hang with me, we’re getting there. So, Gail’s birthday🎈 ? September 7th, day before mine. We loved that. And yes. I said loved. Past tense in all this. Gail passed away last year, July 11, 2019, sometime around 3 a.m. I know. You’re asking, “What does that have to do with Sanford & Son?” I’m getting there.

I just finished a 12 week class called “The Artist’s Way.” Life changing, a story for another day. In the class, I was encouraged to find or buy a trinket of some sort that I would treasure and it would remind me to treasure me as I would it. In treating the object well, it would remind me to treat myself well. I would treat this with love, kindness, respect, grace – and in doing so, do the same to me. Great idea, right?

I looked on Amazon at a thousand things, you know, pandemic and all I’m not out doing a ton of shopping. Struck out on Amazon. Had to run to the Dollar General for a bag of ice, so I masked up, went in and decided to browse for just a minute. At the back of the store, they had some $1 mini garden figures, mostly gnomes and faeries. They had been pretty picked over, many were broken. I saw one and was immediately drawn to him. He was sitting in a post looking like he was meditating. Doing something I’ve learned in the last year I need to make time for doing for me, but don’t always do. I picked him up and sat him down again, and opted for picking up and setting back down several others. I knew. He was the one. I paid for him and for the ice and brought him home.

It sounds corny, but we immediately became the best of friends. Yes, he talks to me. He’s the voice of reason for me most mornings. He tells me I can take the time to write, to meditate – yeah, that constant pose says I gotta meditate every day. He tells me to light the candles I love. He’s a very calming and peaceful guy. He needed a name.

I thought about my writing heroes and Gail popped into my mind first. I know Gayle is a guy’s name, but it didn’t fit. But Russell? Yes! Perfect! And then it clicked. I wanted him to be Russell G – and the G stands for whatever he wants it to stand for in the moment. Just like Fred G. Sanford would do. And so, my friends, I’d like you to meet Russell G – he says the G stands for “Great to meet you.”

I’m going to share my space here with him from time to time. He’s got a few stories and opinions to share. I have him sitting on a desk liquor tequila🍸 in a shot glass pedestal right where I do my writing. He’s on a pedestal, to keep me remember to put myself on a pedestal. Treat ourselves well. He and I will share that shot one day with a celebration for an accomplishment or a change of pedestal, when the occasion is right. He says to tell you guys that he’s always looking out for my best interest, and he’ll encourage me and inspire me to write, learn, grow, love and fight for what’s right, just like his namesake did.

He does have a lot on his mind, he’ll share some of this thoughts soon. His words are wise, and kind, and he thinks a little outside the box. He loves his new home with me and my family. Our only issue is my extreme desire for him to wear socks🧦 , and he refuses. Sometimes, we just have to accept our differences, not hold them against each other, and keep loving and moving forward – don’t we? Russell G – and the G stands for Gratitude, says that he’s “Gonna see you down the road a bit. Good day!!”

17 Replies to “My New Friend”

    1. DO IT!!! It’s seriously life changing. Be sure you get the book and the journal that goes with it!! You will love it!! Perfect for you!!

  1. Looking forward to hearing from / about Russell G. He looks like my people. I can’t wait for his pearls of wisdom!
    I have enjoyed The Artist’s Way and what I’ve learned from it. Thank you Dana for being part of the journey.

    1. Sighs. How did I not know you before Chip and Renee’s wedding? I won’t lament the past, but I’m excited about our future. Love you strong, Paula. I truly do.

  2. What a wonderful inspiring story! I want to meet Russell G in person one day!! (You never know who you’ll meet at the $ store!!) 😊

    1. You know! We’ll just make that happen. Russell G – and the G stands for Great Idea – says he can’t wait to meet you. He may sneak into the Women’s Retreat. I know no men allowed, but technically he’s a gnome, so……… LYS!!!

  3. Gail would be proud of you. I like this little guy already. He looks like he knows things – and the universe has his back. (Dawn has that one too.)

    1. Of course Dawn has that one too!! Girl, I’m beginning to think we are related somehow, I am pretty sure cosmically but maybe by blood. Thank you for that. Gail would have adored you and the girls. A lot. 😍

  4. This is SO much fun!
    I love that you found him when you least expected it, and that he spoke to you. Side note: I adore gnomes.
    Thank you for sharing your story of Gail, of her impact on you, and your kids. What a gift that you were connected in numerous ways, but that she always recognized, and fed your gifts to tell your tale, express yourself in different ways, and the way you write when you lift others.
    It is so fascinating, inspiring, and joyful to read people’s stories, and how they tell their tales. The flow of this piece FEELS like your voice “He’s on a pedestal, to keep me remember to put myself on a pedestal. Treat ourselves well.” This line is SO you, I can hear your voice in a card session telling me the same thing.

    1. I hear your voice when I read your posts and comments. They comfort me. I’m still not sure why we weren’t allowed to live close to each other. I take that back. Yes I do know. Do you know how much trouble we would get into and likely jail time we’d have if we were allowed to roam freely together?? And, you’re another one, that when this pandamndemic is over, we gonna have some one on one time (hopefully not in a jail cell, but I will take what I can get) and play together. I love you so much!!!

  5. Dana, you inspire me in many ways. Sometimes just thinking about you inspires me. You are so full of life, and you love making others happy. Loved the story about you and Russell G. I love how you brought Gail into your story as well. You are a precious gift, I hope you know that!

    1. Momma Karen, I’m so grateful you are in my life. I sometimes wish it had happened sooner, but then I think maybe I wouldn’t have appreciated you as much. You are too kind. Love you so strong. That man of yours too. 💖

  6. The Artist’s Way was a life changing book for me too. It helped me open some doors in my mind. Also, through it I met some very interesting women I would not have met if not for our book discussions. Thank you to Mrs. Sandra Eddy for browbeating me into signing up.

    I like your new friend too. I trust him to steer you right at every turn.

    Love you strong, dear heart .

    1. I miss you, EG. I have such a strong pull to have some mask to mask time with you sooner than later. Let’s think about socially distancing safely together soon. It’s been entirely and embarrassingly too long, and I think I just can’t stand it much longer. Work should settle down a little in the next couple weeks. Let’s think about this. If nothing else, I feel better just thinking about it. I love YOU strong.

  7. OMG, I love this story. And by the way, my middle name is Gayle, so it’s not necessarily a guy’s name. I am so grateful, too…grateful that I met you through music and writing, which will always connect us. And I may just have to order the Artist’s Way as well. Thank for posting this. My name is Lana G. Hughes and the G stands for GLAD I am your friend now and always! LYS!

    1. I love you so much. Your comment just made me cry. And in the realm of synchronicity? Well, I was getting ready to have a serious discussion with you about Artist’s Way. You make my heart feel good. Really good. Love you so much!!!

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