Losing 104-Happy Surgiversary

Weight issues are a serious and complicated subject and burden. Everybody and their dog has an opinion on what works and what doesn’t. Thoughts on what is healthy and what isn’t. There are success stories and horror stories for every option. Books, videos, plans, diets, doctors, pills, fads, websites, apps, you name it. When you have weight issues, lots of people, maybe even well meaning, know what you should and should not be doing, should eat and should not eat, you can help it, you just can’t help it, etc. They share, sometimes it good, often it’s painful. It’s tough. It’s tough being overweight. At least, it was and is for me.

I struggled with my weight for years. I tried just about everything. I’d have success, then I’d fail again. And again, and again. But I would never try weight loss surgery. No way. I was definitely against any form of weight loss surgery because I’d seen and heard more bad than good. Would never do it. Ever. Never. 3 who died. Others who became addicted to drugs or booze or sex. I was terrified of it. So never.

Never say never. Year 3 of my doctor recommending doing it, really discussing my fears about it, she convinced me to explore it.

July 8, 2019 I had a surgery, commonly known as the Gastric Sleeve. They just went in and took some of my stomach out. That’ll slow you down on how much you can eat. For real.  Wasn’t a decision made lightly. About 2 months of research, 6 months of counseling and more research, many discussions with my husband and children, 2 week pre-op diet, then under the knife. I had to make a commitment to some do’s and don’t’s – which if I had been good at to begin with, coulda lost weight on my own – right? I just couldn’t make anything else work. The more I explored this option, I realized that in fact it was for me.

After surgery was 3 weeks of liquid diet, 3 weeks of soft foods, then slowly adding things back in. But in my research, I knew there were some things best for me to give up. And I did.

My results?

On June 23, 2019 I weighed 294. Three pounds under the highest I’ve ever weighed, which had been 297. Two weeks prior to surgery I had a diet of basically protein shakes and bars in the day, one meal at night. Not easy, but never cheated. Worth it.

On July 8, 2019 I weighed 281, down 13 pounds in two weeks. Dr. Long with the Nicholson Clinic did my surgery at 7:30 a.m. Afterwards, the doctor and staff were instructional, supportive, and encouraging. My new life had begun.

On July 8, 2020 4 :30 a.m. I weighed in. It was 190 pounds on the scale. Down 104 pounds total, 91 since surgery.

I don’t drink anything with bubbles anymore, hard to say goodbye to beer, Rooster Booster Lite and Topo Chica. But so worth it. I avoid gluten, rice and white potatoes. Hardly eat sugar, don’t feel good if I have a lot of it. Less booze too. I eat about 4 ounces per meal, a couple of 1 ounce snacks a day -usually nuts or protein of some sort. I take vitamins. It would be a good diet right? Couldn’t I have just sucked it up and done that?

Here’s the thing. The surgery helped change how my body works and thinks. It’s all sciency and a little psychology too. I think differently now. I feel differently now. I live differently now. I live. I live well. Finally.

I can sit in any restaurant booth or on any chair now. I can climb any ladder or use any treadmill (yeah, I need to use the treadmill…sighs). No weight restriction worries. I can buckle my seatbelt on an airplane, and the car one is comfortable too. Getting in and out of a car is easier. That’s just a fraction of the benefits I’ve gained, and anxiety I’ve lost. If you’ve ever had any of these issues, you know how upsetting they can be. I went from size 26 jeans to size 12, and could likely wear a 10 since the 12s are getting pretty comfy. My knees function better. I’m saggy in some new spots, and I’m okay with that. I have butt bones, a tail bone and a breastbone. I have mostly new clothes, but my older bigger flannel shirts are my faves still. I still don’t know how to respond to the compliments, so forgive my weird responses when I hit you with them. It’s appreciated but completely awkward for me. No more blood pressure medication. I no longer snore at night. I rest better.  I feel good.

I still have some weight to lose, I’m still “obese” at 190 and 5’4″, just not “morbidly obese”. But honestly I just want to be healthy. If I don’t lose another pound, I’m so much healthier than I was that I’m fine with it!! I can live with the saggy parts or I might get a wild hair and get them fixed someday.

My point of all this is I would have done this sooner had I realized weight loss surgery has come a long way in the last several years. I had one of the best clinics in the country with one of the highest success rates. I did what they said to do, because I knew they knew what they were talking about, and they wanted me to add to those rates. I had the best support system in the world with my husband and my family. They all helped and still do, more than they’ll ever know.

But I also understand it’s not for everyone. It wasn’t for me. Others have had successes in other ways. We’re all different. But for those of us who struggle with weight issues, it ain’t easy. It ain’t easy at all.

So if you happen across this, and ever need to talk about it or want further information, I’m here. It’s not everyone’s best decision, but it was by far the best one for me.

Today, Happy Surgiversary to me.  I’m grateful me chose life. Thanks for listening to Dr. Jenifer and for being wise enough to research. Thanks for being brave. Love, me.  

+++Photo of me with husband Andy. What healthier and happier looks like. 💗

13 Replies to “Losing 104-Happy Surgiversary”

  1. You always hit me smack dab in the middle of my thinking brain…I scream and grapple and struggle and hate and love and can’t breathe. I indulge, I binge, I diet, I try, I cry, I hide, ohhhhh I just can’t some days. I LOVE you and the fact that you don’t even know the BRAVE you share. I’ve been on the fence…dang it I am still on the fence. WHY is this soooo very hard. I joke that God couldn’t give me all he gave me and fit it in a smaller version…but reality is it hurts and it is years of doing and definitely not all my own “doings” but dang it’s hard…tears are a flowing and I am so thankful for you…one day, just one day and I will figure this all out. ❤❤❤

    1. Girlfriend. I am so thankful for you, and I’m always gonna be here with you and for you. I re-read what I wrote, and we both know I only scratched the surface of this battle. Going deeper, and I might some day, is painful, excruciatingly painful. I know it is not the choice for everyone, but it has lessened my pain on so many physical and emotional levels. The demons don’t go away, but they are a little easier to smack down. I love you strong, and I always will. No matter what. I’m copying these exact words for a reply to another soul sister. Because it’s exactly my truth to you both.

    1. Many thanks to you my friend, for giving me the nudge to put it all out there at the retreat last year. Self healing and knowing we need to heal gets us started. Saying it out loud often helps us heal even more. Thanks for helping me say it out loud. LYS. Truly.

  2. When you told your story at last year’s OYOU gathering, I was moved, your story was filled with everything that makes up who you are, and after reading it, re-reading, I am filled with those emotions today, only more so due to the details you share here.
    You are honest, full on, raw, & beautifully truthful: about your struggles, hopes, fears, excitement, successes, and through it all your ability to RISE, inspire, and educate others, are all at the forefront.
    You wrote this in much the same way you speak in a casual conversation when asked “It’s been forever since we’ve had a chance to chat, how ARE you, dear Dana?”. I love that about your writing.
    Cheers, and Congrats to your SURGIVERSARY!!!
    When you thrive, all around you are lifted, that is one of your greatest gifts.
    Love YOU strong!!

    1. Thank you, my friend. I can’t begin to express how much I miss being in your physical presence? Apologies, I think that may sound a little creepy, but you know me and get it, LOL!! I hear your voice when I read your posts and comments, and the sound of your voice gives me great comfort, like my pal just told me it’s all gonna be alright and I believe you. Thank you for being my friend and my cheerleader. I’m glad we’re gonna grow old together. I love you strong. Forever.

  3. You inspire me! I’ll hit you up one day to chat about all this. I’ve thought of it, but chicken out every single time. Thank you for being so BRAVE and sharing this journey with us! LYS! 💜

    1. Lori my dearest. I am so thankful for you, and I’m always gonna be here with you and for you. I re-read what I wrote, and we both know I only scratched the surface of this battle. Going deeper, and I might some day, is painful, excruciatingly painful. I know it is not the choice for everyone, but it has lessened my pain on so many physical and emotional levels. The demons don’t go away, but they are a little easier to smack down. I love you strong, and I always will. No matter what. I’m copying these exact words for a reply to another soul sister. Because it’s exactly my truth to you both.

    1. Many thanks to you Nancy. That means a lot coming from you!! YOU are a rockstar on so many levels in my world. Thanks for letting me be YOUR fan!! LYS

  4. Happy Surgiversary to you! You blew me away when you shared this story at the women’s retreat last year. I am so proud of you for getting all the facts and doing your due diligence and then having the courage to make the decision to go through with it. What an incredible journey this past year has been for you. Lots of healing and growth. As the old commercial used to say, “You’ve come a long way, baby!”

  5. Dana, you have always inspired me in so many ways. Yet, this was one the greatest inspirations ever. I love how you’ve expressed yourself through this passed year. I know that you’ve worked very hard to be where you are today. I’m happy that you don’t have to take the meds, and that you can do things now that you could not do before because of the weight. To me, you’ve always been beautiful inside and out. However, I had not seen you since before Christmas until I opened my door to you a few weeks ago. You looked absolutely gorgeous! I am so proud of you and the work you have put into your weight loss. You are TRULY AMAZING! Love you so much! HAPPY SURGIVERSARY!

  6. You are an amazing woman, and I love you! Thank you for sharing your story. As you know, I had lapband surgery and had some success with some weight loss. Then it started to malfunction and I had it removed. I gained all my back, plus some. I have been through it all (diets). Had the chance to switch to the sleeve and said no. My journey continues and I’m learning every day how to love myself as I am. I know that 2020 is my year, and when my house is finished…I’m up for a new journey of my own weight loss. I want that feeling of not being confined or restricted.

    We’ve talked before about this and you really helped me, and touched my heart. You continue to inspire me and I could not be any happier for you. You look amazing and beautiful, but you always did to me anyway. Now, you feel good about you, and that is MAGICAL!!!!

    LYS 💗

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