The Reaping

1/26/20 –
The call…
The words…

What I have done, he has watched with the keen eyes of hawk.
What I have not said, he has taken in with the rhythm of the ocean.
What words I have spoken, he has consumed with the memory of an elephant.

How I have acted, he’s scrutinized with the sharpness of RBG.
His bittersweet chocolate-colored almond eyes see all.

This day, I have reaped what I have sown during his 13 years.

His words are a balm to my sometimes fissured soul
like birds singing in elation after a rainstorm, breaking a drought.

I know his teen heart, the one we thought lay in it’s puberty-induced dormancy, beats with the wings of an eagle, but is just as easily missed if one looks the other way.

I will not look the other way…ever again…

I will strive to be an even better version of the auntie he sees

Till the next Reaping…

One Reply to “The Reaping”

  1. The love you have for him, and he for you, is powerful. You kinda sent me a message to shape up and do better. I need to step it up a notch, and pay a little more attention. An even better version…yes. I can’t imagine an even better version of his Auntie, she’s pretty amazing. LYS

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