
OHHHHH how my mind plays tricks,
Have I forgotten or just repressed?

My mind repeats the words spoke oh so long ago…

You are TOO loud, TOO fat, TOO afraid, TOO soft, TOO awkward,
Your are TOO much of a goody-goody, you just talk TOO much…

Mark my words you will never amount to anything, you are not enough…
You’re not good enough so sit back down here missy; who do you think you are? 

Crushed and broken, feeling all alone…

YET in the unsettled hours of evening a friend stirs my soul with an ever so gentle whisper and I REMEMBER…

I REMEMBER the essence of my soul…

I AM a mother.
I AM a daughter.
I AM a sister.
I AM a cousin.
I AM a niece.
I AM a friend.
I AM a poet.
I AM a writer.
I AM a singer.
I AM a storyteller.
I AM a connector.
I AM a builder.
I AM a creative.
I AM a thinker.
I AM a problem solver.
I AM an innovator.
I AM a comedian among friends.
I AM an assertive powerhouse.
I AM a bad-ass.
I AM a peacemaker.
I AM a gypsy soul.
I AM soul deep.
I AM a believer.
I AM a light.
I AM a beacon of hope.
I AM a leader.
I AM a teacher.
I AM a mentor.
I AM a mediator.
I AM a champion.
I AM a child.
I AM a lover.
I AM a giver.
I AM a fighter.
I AM an empath and so much more…

Ohhh the DUPLICITY of it all…

My soul is bound by nothing of this world and of this world I AM NOT.

No longer bound by your incessant murmurings of doubt.
HUSH demons, HUSH!

Hush, it’s no longer your turn…be silent.
Release your anguished grip…see my ashes, feel my power, watch me rise…

I AM a Phoenix rising and RISE I shall.


SIDEBAR…Until tonight have have not written any poetry since I was in my twenties…a little over 3 decades…and I don’t really know why…so please be gentle with these words as I wrote them literally tonight as I walked my dog and stopped in the park. A peaceful breeze and the humming of my mind.

DEDICATION…tonight as I read words from Dana, April, Lana and Lori, I remembered who I had forgotten…ME. I realized for so long I have tried to prune the “displeasing” things of who others thought or think I am. But I awaken once more to remember that other broken souls have a path to travel and some are unable to travel without leaving others in their wake. Others truly have the gift of lifting and breathing life…THANK YOU my sisters for choosing to breathe life!!! Thank you Dana, I am eternally grateful. LYS

Photo courtesy of

11 Replies to “Forgotten…”

    1. love you Diane…so happy to still have you in my life…you are an amazing, strong woman!! We have been through much!

  1. Again, Patricia, you have stolen my breath.
    This piece catapults one to the end of The Artist’s Way…it takes you on a journey to finding your voice, finding your self, and finding your way along your path.
    The way you organized this speaks volumes. I particularly love that you vertically listed who you ARE. There is power in that, it takes time to read each line, as it took you time for you to get there and embrace each identifier.
    The line “other broken souls have a path to travel and some are unable to travel without leaving others in their wake” – holy cow, this is wondrous.
    I took a 9 month writing course in 2018-2019, and in THAT course, I wrote my first poem. Poems offer something unique, especially in today’s world where there are no “restrictions” on poetry, because one can create prosetry. There is a freedom in poetry that isn’t truly accessible when writing for a book, or even a short story. Poetry is like a bird catching bits of wind to guide her along a path that may change as the wind does herself.
    It lifts my heart that you have shared this, and that you have been reunited with such a powerfully creative force.

  2. Patricia, I know you. I see you. Oh….you are definitely good enough! Keep writing. I see that we have the phoenix in common. I just recently started writing poetry again too!

    1. Cindye…we also have Kay K (in Houston) in common…love this and so happy to meet you!! Keep on inspiring with your posts. I love how you write.

    2. AND she writes poetry as well! Amazing. I love the diversity and commonality we all have. I sometimes cry at the commonality we have. We see you. I’ve seen you for years now, and have always loved who I see. I’m excited you are falling in love with that sista I love. She’s an amazing one, that Patricia. I love you strong.

      1. MUUUAAAAHHHH…I absolutely ADORE you!! I am thankful and humbled to be here with such creatives!!! Inspiration, solace, comfort, power, energy and so much more. LYS my sista from another mista!!

  3. This was absolutely beautiful! It gave me chills! I have often heard those hurtful words. Rise we shall!!

    Keep writing! It’s powerful!

    1. OHHH Lori…thank you so much…I am honored and humbled to be with such an amazing tribe of souls who support, lift, embrace, encourage and struggle together. Rise we shall!!!! LYS

  4. I guess if I want to cry, I will just log on to LYS and read some of the writings such as this one. You are also AMAZING, add that to your repertoire and believe it! You’re a believer, right? Yes! This is just incredible. You are JUST AMAZING. Keep repeating and believing, sister. LYS.

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