
An 8th grade choir teacher, Mr. K, saw me, encouraged me, believed in me and ignited the flame that lit my soul. His message to me has become my personal and professional mantra – BELIEVE.
I BELIEVE that service to humanity is the best work of life.
I BELIEVE that earth’s great treasure lies in the human personality. This, of course, is common sense. We all have gifts and are designed by God. He has the blueprints, and everyone is different.
I BELIEVE that every student deserves a future and that we must envision it for them.
I BELIEVE that every student has a quality to admire. There is no better way to empower people than to see each one in terms of his or her strengths. If we help students build their strengths and teach them to manage their weaknesses, then we all succeed.
I BELIEVE that every student cannot be treated the same. Just like the classic puzzle toy we give small children, so are the students we teach. The toddler cannot make the square peg fit the round hole. What makes us think we can?
I BELIEVE that every student needs you to believe in them. Believe in them, and they will not let you down.
I BELIEVE that your relationship with a student is the most powerful tool you have. Students want to please the people they like, and they like the people who like them. We are wise to remember that the importance of relationships does not end in the crib; it matters for a lifetime.
I BELIEVE there is a greater purpose than today for every student. We touch the future, but we do not know what the outcome will be. I think we have to trust God to lead students to their purpose.
I BELIEVE we can make a difference. When tough times hit, and they will, it’s hard to remember that we make a difference. Sometimes we find out years later that we were instrumental in molding a life. Sometimes we never know.
I BELIEVE there are no “throw-aways” in this world. In a world of quick fixes and instant food, it’s easy to get caught up in “stinkin’ thinking”, to simply cast aside the students that aren’t easy or “traditional.” I believe that every child is precious and worthy of teaching. I believe that answering the call to teach is a calling of the highest order. I choose to BELIEVE.

SIDE BAR…this is my elevator speech as a teacher of the year…I look back after all these year and I still BELIEVE! there is a power that lies in the message that is the core of our being, the essence of our souls and no matter what lies ahead, behind or around us we will ALWAYS navigate back to the center of who we are…we ALWAYS come home…it’s never to late. I personally needed this reminder for myself. May the words that leave my lips be like a sweet song to your ears and honey on my tongue.

9 Replies to “Believe…”

  1. Preach it! Beautiful! I’ll be going back to re-read this again and again. I BELIEVE too. LYS!

  2. Patricia, I am a former elementary school teacher, and I love this! Thanks for sharing it. Reminds me of all the best reasons I became a teacher.

  3. Oh sister, as I re-read this, I remembered why I didn’t leave a comment the first time. I was in awe of your ability to BELIEVE and now I know why you were called to be a teacher, something I could never do. I admire you, I respect you, and I thank you for your service to our children. This is beautiful, just like the person who wrote it.

    1. awwww Lana … you know I LYS always and forever!!! Thank you!! I miss your face and fun spirit!!!

  4. This is wondrous!!
    You can feel the love you have for kids, and for the leaders that help them along their path.
    These beliefs are full of wisdom, priceless gems, and so much truth.
    Thank you for being such a light in the lives of our youth, and for shining that same light so that others might find a way to use it to help others.
    Thank you for sharing your sweet, honeyed song!

  5. So great! Something that is not in my bio is that I’m a nurse and an associate professor in an ADN nursing program (24 yrs of critical care and the last 5 teaching nursing students). I’m saving this as we start a new semester in Aug. It’s a privilege to teach future nurses. Thanks for a boost with your words❤️

    1. LOVE that you are a nurse and associate prof!!! By night I adjunct in Leadership. It is a great way to continue learning and growing as well.

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