Embrace the Woo Woo

Soul Collage “Field of Possibility” by Cindye Sablatura

“Woo Woo.” It’s the term we use to describe anything esoteric that we consider to be beyond our understanding. It doesn’t mean that it isn’t understandable. It just means that, often, we haven’t sought out that information. The term kind of annoys me because it leads us to dismiss things that might actually benefit us. Depriving ourselves of this understanding is akin to depriving ourselves of a certain amount of personal power.  

A couple of years ago, I discovered I could see energy. I wasn’t even looking for it. I had been doing a Daily Energy Routine for 11 months that was developed by internationally-known author and teacher Donna Eden. It’s a simple, five-minute routine that is supposed to tune up and balance the body’s energies and promote well-being and healing. Donna has an incredible story. She has been able to see energy, vividly and distinctly, since she was a child. She has charted the body’s energy systems and made a career out of teaching people how to work with them. Donna was diagnosed with MS when she was very young, as well as asthma and allergies. She had a heart attack at 27 because her organs were breaking down. Five different specialists told her she wasn’t going to live. Western medicine had given up on her. She made a decision to try and help herself. She studied a method called Touch for Health and the Chinese meridian and Indian chakra systems. It became a passion for her. All this helped her to understand the energy she had been seeing for years. Eventually, she healed herself. She is now a vibrantly healthy 77-year-old author and teacher who has trained practitioners around the world. As I mentioned in my first post, I am a “proof is in the pudding gal” so this appealed to me. I figured I would give this Daily Energy Routine a try and see if it made any difference. I made a commitment to do it every day for a month. I noticed that it made me feel better, so I kept going. I had some health annoyances that no doctor had been able to figure out, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I wanted to learn if I could affect them myself.

I had an experience about a month into doing the routine that helped to convince me that energy is real. I had a mishap at home. Rushing to get out the door to a meeting, I ran into a bannister at the top of our stairs. It smacked me hard right across my liver and diaphragm, so hard it almost knocked the breath out of me. It hurt for a few days. A couple of weeks later, I was lying on my bed doing an exercise for the first time that Donna calls the belt flow. It’s supposed to help energy move freely across the abdomen, helping the lower and upper energy centers (also known as chakras) to connect with each other. By this point, I had kind of forgotten about hitting the bannister. As I was going through the motions of the exercise, I suddenly felt what I can only describe as a strong electrical current running down each of my legs. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. Undeniable. My legs were literally buzzing. It was like I was plugged into an electrical socket. I realized that the impact of the injury must have interfered with the flow of energy to my lower body. This was an eye opener. A few days later, I had another experience of feeling palpable energy, something akin to the size of a softball, moving out of my upper abdomen. I felt better afterward.

I wasn’t really “trying” to make any of this happen. It occurred in the process of doing the daily routine. I was pleasantly surprised. I kept going.

Nine months later, I had just returned from a wonderful annual women’s retreat I attend in the Texas Hill Country. There was a lovely full moon that night, and I thought it would be nice to go into the backyard and do my energy routine as a way of recuperating from the drive home. I was doing the routine with my eyes closed. At some point, I opened them and saw what looked like white, grainy static in front of me. I blinked, thinking it would disappear. It was still there. When I moved my hands, it moved with them, like waves. It was all around me. I looked out across the backyard, and saw it stretching as far as I could see. I realized that I must be looking at energy. This was so cool! I just stood there and played with it for awhile, keeping a soft focus past the tips of my fingers, moving my hands and watching it follow. Fascinating. I went inside and mentioned it to my family. They came outside with me. My adult daughters said, “Oh, we have been seeing that most of our lives. We just didn’t know what it was!” Wonders never cease.

That was a couple of years ago, and now I can go out on any evening and see the energy. It happens easily. I don’t see colors, just white energy. I can also see it in the daylight. I just have to focus a little more. Sometimes it looks like a pixelated soup surrounding me. If you have seen The Fellowship of the Ring, it’s kind of like that scene where Frodo first sees the Black Riders, and as he looks down the road, the scenery starts moving in waves towards him. It definitely gives one the sense that all is not as it appears.

Perhaps the “veil” that people talk about is just a difference in frequency.

The other night, my family went to the beach to watch the sunset and the stars. I stood on the edge of the water, looked down at my hands, and noticed a glow surrounding my fingers that stretched for several inches beyond them. I mentioned this to my husband because I was surprised at how bright it was. He looked at his hands out of curiosity and said he could see it too. I think it surprised him. Must have something to do with all those negative ions in the salt air.

My point is: I am not special. If I can do this, you can do this. We have abilities that we are not aware of because they get trained out of us at a very young age. I believe we are born with them. I think that doing the Daily Energy Routine on a consistent basis gradually woke up a part of me that had been dormant for a long time. Be willing to play in the field of possibility. You just might surprise yourself. There is plenty of scientific research backing this stuff up. As one of my favorite teachers, Dr. Joe Dispenza says, “Science is the contemporary language of the mystical.” Sciences like epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology, neuroplasticity, and quantum physics are pointing the finger at possibility, and some very interesting things are happening. Common people are doing the uncommon. It’s like Roger Bannister breaking the 4-minute mile. No one thought it was possible, then after he did it, thousands of people followed. 

One of my favorite quotes is by the author Marianne Williamson from her bestselling book A Return to Love. It reads:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

You can find a video of Donna teaching her Daily Energy Routine on her website Eden Energy Medicine. This routine has been an indispensable addition to my day. I like to do it along with my favorite music. It feels even better to do it outdoors. It will help build positive habits into your energy field and get your energies humming. Consistency is important. It only takes five minutes a day. What have you got to lose? The effects are cumulative and take time to see because you are changing your energy body, where your physical body originates, at a foundational level. If you want to dive deeper into energy work and find out what it can do for you, I recommend Donna’s excellent books Energy Medicine and Energy Medicine for Women. Donna also has some great exercises for reducing stress – and we all need that right now. I’ll share a few of those soon. Now, go out there and embrace the woo woo!

5 Replies to “Embrace the Woo Woo”

  1. What a wonderful thing to read first thing this morning. Thank you for reminding me of the ability that we are indeed born with, but somehow gets lost along the way.

    I am very familiar with Donna’s work and each morning before I get out of bed, I do several of her exercises to “clear” my energy and start the day fresh. It’s very awesome that you are able to see energy like that. I feel it much more than see it. In meditations, I am able to see many things and often receive messages from beyond the veil.

    I am a recent student of Dr Joe. I find him so fascinating. I’ve done some of his breath work, and WOW!!!

    At this time in my life, we are remodeling our home and have a crew of people here each day, making it hard for me to spend my usual morning time for myself. Soon enough, I’ll have my beautiful home back and I’ll be ready to spend fall mornings on my front porch rediscovering the mystic.

    LYS ❤️

    1. Tracey, I could always feel it more than see it, too. Seeing it was such a surprise, and it still feels magical when it happens. I love that you are familiar with Donna and Dr. Joe! I have to say that what I have learned from these two has had a profound influence on my life. I have had the opportunity to attend a couple of Dr. Joe’s talks. He is amazing. Best wishes on the home remodel. It will all be worth it when it is done!

  2. How cool!! I remember doing meditation with Karen Moore at one of the first OYOU retreats, where we did some body slapping to wake up our bodies, and there was a part at the end where I was able to feel the energy between my hands just like Karen said we would. I remember being in awe over the experience, (& I still love to do that slapping exercise before my Yoga). I will have to check out Ms Edens Daily Energy Routine!

  3. You women. Whatever am I going to do. You are making me crazy. That’s right, I said it. Crazy. I have such an intense hunger to learn and grow from the inspiration and synchronicity. I am amazed at how as I am trying to find my own path, those of you sharing yours help me with mine. Cindye and I have talked about some of this, and then she writes this going down a path we haven’t even talked about but I am starting down. And then Tracey chimes in knowing who Cindye’s talking about, then CindiLou jumps in and mentions Karen, who I was thinking about just yesterday – I need to write and share about her, going on my list. Thank you. Thank you for helping me find me, and believe that maybe I’m not as crazy as I thought I was. Much gratitude. LYS

  4. You so often amaze, and inspire me, with your incredible adventurous spirit, both internal, and external.
    These experiences you shared are so fascinating, and I can’t wait to learn more, to lean into searching for some of my own.
    Thank you for sharing all of this, and so much more!!
    I am so grateful for this place, this moment, and for you!

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