Here We Go!!!

It’s here! Today launches a dream.

I’ve been doing a 12 week course called “The Artist’s Way”. It’s been a really good, really hard, really soul-in-depth experience for me. One of the things it does is force you to dream. So when I hit “Goals for a Perfect World” I came up with four that would be my perfect occupations. I’ll share two, the other two I’ll hold close for now and maybe share another day. I had “Full Time Writer” and “Daily Blog Writer”. I hung these on my……I think I’ll call it my “Inspirational Board”, so I could see those goals daily.

A couple of days later, I was in a conversation with Felisia R (one of our contributors) about the class and the dream goals, and mentioned the blog writing. Her response of telling me she’d really enjoy reading what I had to say in a blog each day had a ripple effect I’m sure she never would imagine. It’s amazing what can happen with kind words, isn’t it? What Fe said to me made me feel like I could do it, my contribution would be worthy, I was worthy. It was enough to get me to explore it.

What if? What if there was a place where I could write if, when, and what I wanted. What if it were a creative space for others as well? All kinds of art….writing, poetry, art, music, prose, photography, who knows what all? The only rule would be no hate speech. If you hate something, make a humane way to express it so that others might understand.

I spoke with my husband Andy, my son Chase (our webmaster) my daughter Sarah J and daughter-in-law Isadora J (the girls are contributors too!) and they were all on board and walked with me as my dream expanded to include others.

With Terri Hendrix’s blessing, was born. Love You Strong is a beautiful song Terri wrote, if you haven’t heard it or her yet, do it. She’s the definition of good human. Yes, I have a co-write on the song, but I only contributed three words, she did all the rest. I tear up when I hear it. Every. Single. Time. I digress.

I chose about 20 amazing women to help get this up and going, and 15 are jumping on board right away. They consist of my girls, and then women from my various worlds. You know. You have worlds. Like mine. My family. My work world. My music world. My old friends world. My new friends world. There are lots of inspirational women in my life, but I had a strong pull to begin with these women. These women. I know they will inspire you as they do me. We will likely add more once we are up and going and see how this works for everyone.

We are living in strange, stressful, crazy and tumultuous times. We also live in beautiful, grateful, loving, amazing, spiritual, and inspirational times. Let’s walk this life together and love each other strong. Let’s lose our self doubt and have faith that we can achieve our dreams and goals and get close to that perfect world.

Maybe I won’t be a full time writer just yet, because I love my current jobs and my co-workers and am happy right where I am with that right now. But maybe, just maybe, I can write a blog almost daily or just when I feel like it. Maybe I can see what my fellow contributors do and I can experience some of life through different eyes who inspire me. Maybe others can live, learn, grow, and love through this team.

To the first 15, I thank you. Thank you for jumping into my dream. To those of you joining us as we grow, thank you for being willing to walk with us. To Terri – well, you know – LYS. Technowebmaster C – eternal gratitude. Andy – thanks for the continuing support and truckloads of patience. And to me – MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

8 Replies to “Here We Go!!!”

  1. This is Fabulous!!! I would so love to read what all of these great women have to share! One thing I know is that I love hearing you speak & tell stories, You are so inspiring! I know that any woman you would ask to be apart of this will have something great to share as well!! Can’t wait to read it all!!
    I am so glad you are doing this, and flattered to be apart of it all❤️
    Love you Strong Dana J

    1. You’re so sweet. Believe me, I think these women will become part of your tribe!! You’re a kindred spirit with them!! LYS Fe!!!!

  2. Honored, humbled, excited and nervous…can you believe all those words explain my heart right now. To write is to empower through voice and man I do want to be a voice for those who cannot yet speak for themselves, those who feel their voice has been silenced and I want to be a voice for myself. As a child, I had no voice, I was invisible, and so many stories to share. Dana, WE ARE WRITERS and givers of life, voice, comfort, support, dreams and more. LYS and can’t wait to see this bloom!!!

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