A Simpler Time…

I’m transported back to my youth, well some of my youth any way. A slower pace of living. Time spent in a safe space, my Uncle Floyd and Aunt Becky’s place. A place set in the hills of Tennessee, where my brothers and cousins and I roamed free. The barn, ohhh the stories that old barn could tell…long gone is the barn but the memories linger on.

I remember sloppin the hogs, gathering eggs, tending the cows and my brothers having to go work the ‘baccer: fields (that’s tobacco and trust me it’s not fun). The stories we still laugh at today…whispers of seedy, sordid tales – moonshine running, backwoods stills, and other misundry.

Some, if not most, of my favorite tales are recalled with laughter…”Patti remember that time you went out and fed the baby calf?” Well to let y’all in on the family laughter, I have a passion for all animals and decided to feed the calf in the barn. That sweet little baby was being bottle fed…so I bottle fed a bit and then decide to let that calf suck on my chin…and then I proceeded into the house, my job all done. As soon as I walked through the doors, everyone and I do mean everyone was laughing as hard as they could. I was clueless (yes a natural towheaded blonde). I finally meander through the crowd (there’s a bunch of us Cases) and make it to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and much to my surprise I am sporting a big ole calf slobber of a chin hickey. Ohhh yes we still laugh to this day.

Another time in the barn, my cuz (who’s really like my sister) and I were spying on my oldest brother (for everyone’s sake I’ll leave out the sordid details-I value my life lol). So at any rate, spying we are and a big ole fart sounds an alarm…I swear it was Connie and she swears it was me…we still blame each other to this day. Tears of joy are rolling down my face as I type. Oh yeah my brother really came after us and we had to high tail it to the house.

The last tale for now is a church going. See my Aunt Becky brought us up right and we always went to church. She and my uncle really taught us about prayer and being good people (for which I am forever and eternally grateful). So here we all go, off to Wednesday night church. We are probably filling up half the pews in a small country church that still stands today – like I said there’s a lot of us Cases. It’s time for some praise and singing. The preacher calls for anyone who would like to praise the Lord to come on down. Well this older lady (mind you we were about 10 or 12 so she was “old”) goes down to the front and asks the preacher to sing with her and he politely declined. She starts singing and the “old man” she “likes” comments that she can’t carry a tune in a bucket. Mind you Connie and I are sitting right there in front of him and we get tickled and start giggling while she is singing, then my cousins in front of us start giggling, then the next row of cousins and my brothers start giggling and before you know it pert near the whole church is giggling. Well Aunt Becky “shushed” us and gave us that look…you know the look, the one mother’s give when they’re about to have you meet Jesus in person. When she got us all home there was heck to pay but truth be know she giggled a little too. Yes, we were wrong but it was funny and we still laugh to this day – we laugh at how much trouble we got in because we knew we deserved it.

Oh to go back to a simpler time and breath in that sacred peace! Peace, joy, love, and happiness always wraps me up like a warm blanket when I am home in the hills of Tennessee.

10 Replies to “A Simpler Time…”

  1. Um. If Uncle Floyd ever tried to deny you, well, that’d be a no-go. I love the thought of a bunch of you Cases, cuz I like the one I ended up knowing. I love this. And not surprisingly, I love you too.

    1. You have me laughing this second and I need it. Uncle Floyd is at the hospital and not doing so well which is what spurred on this post in part…it has been on my mind for weeks. He is 83 and a cornerstone in my foundation…I have asked my cousin to read this to him when she calls and she is gonna share it with Aunt Becky too. We must express our love while we have them. I love and adore you too…but trust me you may not want too many of us Cases in one room…there is ALWAYS a story to tell afterwards…LOL

  2. That was a fun read. Couldn’t we all go on about the memories of our childhood. There was a barn and a smokehouse and a lot cabin. I guess I have another story to write. Funny how we inspire each other. You are such a gem. Wish we could go back to those simpler tunes, don’t you? Love you, sister.

    1. LOVE you too sista!!!! Every post I read makes me recall another writing or story screaming to be told. I can’t wait to read your simpler time too!! LYS and so very glad Dana let me come to the world known as Cuervo Acres 🙂

      1. Love this cuz dad and mom will love it too thier no place like home in Tennessee the love my parents have is the best feeling anyone of us will ever have great great memories love u like a sister

  3. I love how innocent and naughty this reads and feels, all at the same time!
    THIS line: “The stories we still laugh at today…whispers of seedy, sordid tales – moonshine running, backwoods stills, and other misundry.” is FABULOUS. I can feel the giggles, hear the hearts beat faster, smell the woods and fires for the stills, and my mind races to imagine the “misundry”. This is wondrous.

    1. April girl you have a way of lifting me up and inspiring me to share more tales. You are a blessing and a light. Thank you!

  4. Patricia C, this takes me back to the Ozark hills in Missouri and that is a mind-journey that always makes me smile.

    1. I love those warm feelings and love that comes from places we call home. 🙂 They always make me smile too.

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