Mother’s Love

We fight her with hammer, chainsaw and nail
We abuse, tear, claw, and scrape
till she can take no more
Yet she relentlessly fights back each Spring,
not with a vengeance, but with love A hope for a new day.

It’s the breezes she brings on a March day
They help smooth out the thickness
It is the cool winds she brings to give flight
to the scents of her flower children
I close my eyes, and stretch to reach the scent,
like a cat waking from a nap,

The exhaust of the car that just passed
or the freshly patched asphalt ahead,
I can no longer smell.
The perfume of the Laurel and
yellow buds of the Huisache tree have me in their honeyed limbs

The chattering of her fluffy-tailed progeny
running amok the new green leaves
playing Tag under the protective shade,
dims the buzzing groans, and frustrated sighs of the many highway travelers.

The chipper cooing, and chattering
to one another, of her winged children,
take me to a place where there are no iron-walkers,
no nail guns, or biting sounds; only the musicality of the grasses blowing,
and the bubbling brook reach my ears.

We are a relentless lot
We need, and want some more
We bite, we damage, we turn away,
but our Mother keeps fighting
to show us what we do not yet see
A mother’s love never wanes

4.24.19 (Rev 7.6.20)

9 Replies to “Mother’s Love”

  1. I just love the way you write. Your words draw me in and I’m right there with you. A true writer. On another note, they say this pandemic had helped our planet and animals and plant life because we are not out there destroying it. I wonder if people even care sometimes. Can’t wait until your next posting.

    1. Thank you dear Lana!!
      Yes, Mother Earth has healed some during the months of quarantine, I believe she could, completely, if humans just allow her to do just that. 🙂 I too, wonder if humans care…care enough to make changes to their own lives. LYS!

  2. So powerful. I am not surprised that yet again my dear friend Lana, who I’ve known what seems like forever, would love this and love you. She’s a beautiful soul like you, and I’m glad you are together here. I feel like there is strength in numbers. With the two of you advocating for the beauty of nature, of words, of true humanity, you guys give me continued hope for our future. And April, the truth of “A mother’s love never wanes” resonates as a mother and as a daughter. Calling Mom tomorrow. Texting my daughter right now. LYS

    1. Thank you for your beautiful words, and it fills my heart reading that this inspired you in a different way. Beauty in motion.

      Thank you, dear Dana, for creating this group so that we kindred spirits can find each other. You are such a grand blessing to us all.

  3. OH MY GOD. This is amazing. The way the words flow along with each line. So seamless. I’m not an outdoorsy girl, but I was transplanted into a quiet, but comfortable, spot in the wilderness, when I read your captivating poem of spring.

  4. I can’t edit my comment on here, so I wanted to say a few more things. The cool winds bringing scents to her flower children. That line brought soft, buttercup-like flutters to my vision. I also love the contrast between the budding of spring and the crazy material world. The best word I could use to describe this beauty – GORGEOUS. *insert heart*

    1. Your words, dear Dawn, stir my soul, and inspire me to work harder. I so needed to hear those words run through my head, this week of all weeks. I wrote this poem on a whim as I was walking from the car dealer, where my auto was being serviced, to my parent’s house, about a mile or so away. I walked through an industrial area to get to my parent’s neighborhood, and as I walked, I stopped, took photos, and wrote a few words. This was the first poem I had ever written on the fly. I edited it some, but most of what I posted, I wrote that day. It’s one of my favorites, and I am so happy that it touched you.

  5. I love the way you evoke and intertwine country and city imagery in such an imaginative way! My feelings were ebbing and flowing with each line…

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