This Little Chair

This little chair has seen me through many, many seasons of life.

This little chair

Tiny and brown

Evokes feelings that might weigh some people down

This little chair

Was flung against a wall

As it broke into pieces

My little heart broke as well

This little chair

Was lovingly repaired

I wish my heart had been as easy to repair

This is the chair my Grandpa Bill made for me before I was born. It’s 55 years old. He’s the one who repaired it that summer night in 1967 just before I was 2. I still have my little brown chair.

6 Replies to “This Little Chair”

  1. “Evokes feelings that might weigh some people down…” – This is heavy, yet so beautiful.
    The way you connected the breaking of the chair with the breaking of your heart, is so moving.
    Thank you for sharing the memories of this little chair, an inanimate object with such personality.

  2. A chair made in love. It can be damaged. It may not be the same, but it can endure. The original sentiment will always be there, that can never be taken away. It survived. You survived. I’m grateful for that. LYS

  3. Lori, your poem has inspired me to write about my mother’s little chair that I inherited when she passed away in December. What great inspiration we are to each other in this group. Love this so much.

    1. I’m so glad this little piece inspired you! That’s the highest praise! I look forward to reading about your little chair!!

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