It’s a Start

Hi! I’m Lori! I’ve struggled with where to begin here. There are so many things I want to say about so many things. As I have thought about where to begin, I kept coming back to…just tell them who you are…but who I am is complicated. A part of me worries that who I am isn’t good enough to do this. That part of me goes all the way back to 1967, when I was 2. But, that’s a story for some other time.

I am a lot of things to a lot of people. First off, I am a daughter. I’m an only child. I’m also an adopted daughter. Yep, there’s a story there, but I’ll save that for another post. I’m a wife, but I’m also an ex wife. You guessed it, there’s a story there. I’m a Mom to many, yet I’ve never had my own. I’m a step Mom. I’m a dog Mom. I’m a “retired” first grade/kindergarten teacher. There are definitely stories there! I’m a church member. I’m a student of religion, spirituality and kindness. I’m broken but I’m healing. A definite story there.

As I was thinking about all of the pieces that have gone together to make me the person I am it hit me at 1 a.m., that I’m a patchwork of all these things. Some people use tapestry, woven together beautifully. I’m bumpy. You can see where I have been put together. And believe me, getting where I am was not a beautiful trip. I wouldn’t be who I am without having gone through ALL that I’ve gone through. I’ve learned many lessons through all this mess that I try to pass on to those around me. I plan to share these stories and lessons here. I’m still working on how to go about it. It will come.

I’ve journaled since I learned to write. I’ve just never shared those thoughts, those things that have made me…ME! Again, at 1:00 this morning, I felt that nudge…you know the one…the one where something greater than you is saying, “Get on with it, girl! Someone out there needs to hear what you have to say!” So, I’m going to get out of my own way and say what I have to say to those that need to hear it.

I’m thankful for this opportunity to share. Thank you for reading this far! My next post will be about my early years…birth to about 5. I know, your thinking, 0-5? Oh. Come. On. Yep, there’s a story there. That’s where my first pieces were made, put together and a few were even ripped apart.

Peace and blessings to you and yours! 💜

5 Replies to “It’s a Start”

  1. The earliest memory I have is from when I was two. Yes, it is totally possible for someone to remember their earliest years – they were those that shaped our lives and mindsets.

  2. I’ve known you for, oh, I don’t know, maybe 20 years or so. I’ve known bits and pieces of your story, and am looking forward to knowing more. I know it all won’t be pretty and happy. I know you aren’t perfect (but pretty close!!). But what I do know is that for that 20 years or so, I have loved you and loved how you love others. I think you will help others by sharing your story, maybe even me. I am so proud of your bravery in sharing truth, and so grateful. Thanks for walking with me the last 20, I look forward to walking together for many years to come. PS when they make your life story into a movie or mini-series, make sure the preacher at your wedding to Bixby is played by somebody really awesome. 🧡😊🧡

  3. Lori,

    It sounds like we have traveled many a same or similar roads…I know for a fact that my mind has been spared many horrific memories and the Holy Spirit has guarded my fragile mind and spirit all these years. I have broken memories and some of those are pretty dang ugly. I haven’t shared them for many reasons (the you’re not enough, who do you think you are, it’s your fault, if only you were better, you’re too loud, you’re too this or too that voice in my head….oh to silence the inner critic that was bludgeoned into me) I will just as you will find the voice, share the stories, build others through our own weaving of this tapestry. The magnificent colors cannot be dulled and the songs of our hearts will be sung. Together we will steady on.

  4. Thank you for sharing, and I am happy to read you are getting out of your own way, and opening the door to your own creativity, and your unique spirit! I love that you write a breadcrumb trail for us to read more about you.
    I too have some memories of my life before age 5, so I do believe that certain memories, and feelings stay within you, no matter what.
    I look forward to more!

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