My Mom’s Hands

My hands have become my Mom’s hands. I noticed it a couple of weeks ago. I looked down at my right hand and it took my breath away.

I wear my Mom’s wedding ring on my right hand. I have since Mike, the funeral director, slipped it off Mom’s hand on August 2nd, just before her funeral.

What took my breath away wasn’t the ring, I’ve become used to its ever present reminder that my Mom is gone. No, what took my breath away, was the veins. Mom always had very prominent veins in her hands. They had become more prominent in the last few years as her skin began to thin.

The veins. My veins. Her veins. They bring me comfort now. They no longer take my breath away. They are a gentle reminder that though I can’t physically see my Mom, she’s a constant part of me. For that I’m forever grateful.

My regret is that I don’t have a picture of me holding her hand. Maybe that’s why my hands have become my Mom’s hands…as a gentle reminder that she will always be holding my hand.

If you’re blessed enough to still have your Mom with you, take that picture of you holding her hand. One day, you’ll treasure that gentle moment!

Peace and blessings to you and yours!


3 Replies to “My Mom’s Hands”

  1. Lori,
    What a beautiful recollection! I’ve had the identical experience…with my father’s hands, voice, face, etc.

    And that is just fine. They live in us, and we will see them again.

    This is me, giving you a big hug…with my father’s arms.



  2. I’m taking my picture today! My mom always says she sees her moms hands when she looks at hers. Sending you a big hug! ❤️❤️

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