Blinders OFF…

Taking the blinders off to see what there is to see. May the creative forces within proceed in reckless abandon…TRAVEL ON

The only way to expand our universe is to live, love, and laugh. To truly live is to spread kindness, joy, and compassion and to extend grace…lots of GRACE. Grace is for those who come to the table not “being worthy”. Well heck there have been lots of times I have NOT BEEN WORTHY yet I find others have extended grace——–immeasurable grace.

and I breathe…

So how do we truly begin to live?

Well for me it all begins when we choose to understand the souls of others; build bridges; have rich, deep experiences; listen; break bread; and TAKE THE BLINDERS OFF! Embrace life the way you want to and do it with RECKLESS ABANDON!! For me it is through my travels…

I travel to see the world, meet others, find myself, expand my understanding, to grapple with my own internal struggles all while finding peace.

And when I travel, the moment that may one day fade I capture. I can look at the memories (aka photos) and still see, hear, feel, smell and taste my RECKLESS ABANDON!!! Then I am inspired to travel on…


Posted in Art

8 Replies to “Blinders OFF…”

  1. Did you take these photos on your travels? They are wonderful! I have a daughter who enjoys photography. She would love these. I’m with you – I love to travel too. Being home these past few months is making me feel very restless!

    1. THANK YOU!!
      All but one of these is mine…I need to go back and tag or reference them. the one with me standing looking at the suspension bridge…which I crossed and I am TERRIFIED of heights, was taken by my friend. The rest are all my capturing the beauty given to all of us.

  2. These are gorgeous.
    I love that you shoot from angles that show your subjects in a different light. You are truly SEEING beyond the lens, and it’s fascinating.
    Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you April…I am an amateur for sure but I love capturing the beauty!! I started an Instagram then talked myself out of posting…thinking I wasn’t good enough but after Dana spurred on this creative world…I am going to post both here and on IA.

  3. Love the photos and your words. The one of the rain in the bricks, I feel like I can smell it. Keeping that one close in thought for a possible song. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much Christal…I can’t wait to read and hear more of you!!! The bricks were an incredible moment and the smell was sweeter than honey…and the crisp, clean feel of the droplets were tender and welcomed.

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