
Teeth on edge as a fear creeps
in, about and around
seeping, slamming, pushing
its way down my throat
an almost too-large pill to swallow,
it stops halfway down trying
to worm its way towards my heart.

Science tells her tales
a new one it seems each day.
But that is what Science
commands of us: ask questions,
find facts, learn from,
this is the fear-fighting spear.
The weapon of the warrior.

Alone, I feel overwhelmed
Alone, I feel inundated
Alone, I find peace of mind…some days
Alone, I work on many things
Alone, I read, listen, watch and learn
Alone, I fight using my own scythe.

Unknowns…I am used to these
old friends, to me for years,
they are familiar words that my brain
knows how to file away,
while my heart knows how
to carry the weight,
balanced with the resilience of the land.

No springing forward this year
yet we have still fallen behind.
Two steps forward and
five steps back these days.
Back to before we knew
Back to fear and fight
Back to our surreality.

Alone, I find a certain comfort
Alone, I rant and rave
Alone, I write, erase, write more
Alone, I find inspiration
Alone, I see myself
Alone, I see the world
Alone, I see you.

3 Replies to “Spring…Behind”

  1. “Alone, I see myself
    Alone, I see the world
    Alone, I see you.”

    …and I see you, my friend. You have such a gift with words. I love your heart and soul. It’s such a strange time in our world and its like the “unknowns” are our daily routine now which keeps us all on edge. Thank you for these calming words. LYS!

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