Possibility, Empowerment, and Walking on Fire


I had no idea I was destined to become
a fire walker,
stepping barefoot onto glowing,
hot coals
without allowing them to singe my soles
or my soul.
"The fire is cold," says the fire master,
and I steel my mind,
my Self, in preparation. Still,
hot... glowing... coals,
daring me, taunting me, "Are you
brave enough
to walk on the fire of your life
without getting burned
beyond recognition?" Or perhaps
that's the whole point
of this journey: transformation,
if you are willing
to become the phoenix.

The trick is to not burn you feet
even as the rest of you goes up in flames.

I am a fire walker.


I’m Cindye. I like to play with possibility and potential, and I am passionate about the development of HUMAN capital. I recently rediscovered that I like to write poetry. And yes, in case you are wondering, I have actually walked on fire. Many people who know me would be surprised to hear that. Heck, it surprised me, but I did it…twice.

I have been through my share of challenges. This has opened me up to possibility. I have always been a curious person. It’s one of my superpowers. Being a Capricorn (and a four wing five on the Enneagram) I have a determination to find out all I can, and it needs to be based on research and experience. So, I’ve learned some surprising stuff as part of this journey, mostly due to curiosity and the fact that I am big on personal empowerment. I like taking matters into my own hands. I am a “proof is in the pudding” kind of gal. I try things and see what has staying power. What I’ve realized lately is that I would like to share some of these tools with people who are also believers in possibility, potential, and empowerment. I’d like to share a little of my personal journey and introduce you to the work of some of my favorite ground breakers, people like Donna Eden, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Anita Moorjani, Kirk Martin, Richard Rohr, Chase Jarvis, Jim Kwik, Brene Brown, Glennon Doyle, and others. These people are pushing boundaries in ways that increase human capital in the world, and I am all about that. I also love the idea of introducing these tools to young people and the people who raise them, because they make life better in ways that really matter that you don’t learn in school.

I am a former elementary school teacher and homeschool teacher, cancer survivor, and mom to amazing adult twin daughters who happen to struggle with anxiety. I had a condition called twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome during my pregnancy, so I am lucky they are here. I lost my husband, their father, to a sudden heart attack when he was 38 years old and they were six months old. Talk about a life changer. I eventually remarried, which blessed me with a wonderful man and his two children, and after all these years, three grandsons. That doesn’t mean life is easy now, but it is a hard-fought good and getting better all the time.

So, in these pages, I’ll be playing with subjects like creativity, Soul Collage, Mind Movies, our energy body, energy yoga, brain health, neuroplasticity, epigenetics, and meditation (in which I am currently obtaining a teaching certification) with a little dose of spiritual philosophy thrown in the mix, because as I’ve learned, it’s all connected. I’ll try to post regularly, but I do have to do life, so some posts may be longer, and others may be a shot of inspiration like a quote, some music lyrics, a short meditation, or or a creativity exercise. I welcome your questions and engagement. Don’t be shy. Go to the comments and say hi. This is our community. Let’s love each other strong and learn from each other.

In short, my favorite world is a bit “out of the box.” Being inside the box bores me. Always has. So, if you’d like to come along for the ride, welcome aboard. The only requirements are curiosity, an open mind, and a willingness to play in the field of possibility. And if you play, play nice.

I’ll try to write more about that firewalk in another post. There’s definitely more to tell…

11 Replies to “Possibility, Empowerment, and Walking on Fire”

  1. So grateful you are here and walking this website with us. You are such an incredible spirit, and your drive to keep moving forward no matter what gets in your path is inspiring. I would have loved for us to have met sooner, but I’m gonna settle for us sharing our journeys together from here on out. I’m elated that you’ll be getting that certification (will reserve my comments on you being “certifiable”, LOL) and I’m ready for you to use it on me. LYS, Cindye!!

    1. Hey, I will need some folks to practice with for my training. Maybe we can find a way to do a meditation by Zoom or phone. I’m glad our paths crossed and will enjoy every opportunity we have to connect.🙂

  2. I am looking forward to more from you. I think I can learn and benefit from your perspective and I am now wondering who will get more out of this venture, the writers or the readers. I think both. I look forward to getting to know you better through the site and hopefully, in person someday.

    1. Thank you so much, Lana. Yes, I think we are all benefitting from each other on here. It’s a good way to get to know one another until we can meet in person someday. It feels good to be part of a creative community.

  3. I am so excited for your new foray into furthering your incredibly diverse spiritual practices. I cannot wait to see/feel/experience what fruit your new certification will bear.
    As I read this, even if I hadn’t read your name prior to reading it, I would have KNOW it was you. Your spirit soars off the page, and I can see your smile, hear your laughter, and feel your heart.

  4. Finally got a chance to check this site out. I have a friend from college, Patricia, also contributing this website. I’m excited to see what you both write and love all forms of and platforms that provide opportunity for expressions of creativity ❤️

  5. Oh Cindye you are a soul who sees my soul without even knowing it. I am enraptured with your poem and without even knowing posted a symbiotic poem just last night. I also found out we are connected in yet another way…my college friend Kay K. is also your friend…small world. She shared on my facebook that you are friends. I had shared LYS for some friends to come read, learn and grow with our artistry here. I am waiting for the Zoom meditation and if you need any help with the techie side…I used to be an instructional technology specialist. Currently I am a consultant and just helped redesign a 4 day training to the virtual world…I love this and would love to join you in the meditation!!! Your soul speaks to my soul. Thank you so much!!!

    1. Patricia, I love your poem! Yes, Kay and I have known each other since high school. I look forward to getting to know you. I need to get a little further along in my meditation teacher training, and then I will consider doing a Zoom. It’s wonderful to know that there is interest and that you could help me with the technology as it is definitely not my strong suit. Thanks for the offer!

  6. Cindye,

    You never cease to amaze me. I loved reading this, and I look forward to reading much more from you. You’re such an inspiration and such a beautiful soul, so much needed into today’s world. Thank you for being you! And, congratulations on that certification coming! That’s super cool!

    1. Sherry, Thank you for your kind words and always being one of my cheerleaders. I appreciate you!

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