The Simple Things…

As we journey through this life, all too often we forget, overlook or count trite the simple things. Well at least I do…I find myself short or quick to fuss when things aren’t “just so or just right”. Messy house, talking over a movie (yes, I said that), dishes in the sink, you know the typical stuff and yeah loud kids…well heck for us…loud family. I wonder where they get that from?!? I digress, as usual…it’s the tightly spinning ADHD BRAIN…I’ve made it this far with it guess I’ll keep it 😊

So back to the simple things…I find that I tend to keep busy but miss the slower life, the simple things. And then every once in a while, God has a way of shaking me and saying “this, this is what you really need and want.” Today is one of those…tv going, working on the computer, cooking, not really cleaning even though I need to…oh yeah and I’m keeping the almost 2 and almost 4-year olds while the daughters have a sissy weekend. Still not sure how I missed that lol. At any rate, I’m piddlin around ‘cause I finally got the almost 2-year-old down for a nap…wheeewww now the almost 4-year-old forget it…wide awake.

Guessing I should fill you in on the short back story, so you’ll forgive my somewhat rambling mind. These sweet cherubs come to stay last night…so bedtime should be a snap…NOOOO WROONNNGGG…we are too excited to go to sleep. The almost 4 year old finally crashed at 2:30 AM…yes AM…but wheewww thankful the almost 2 year old went to sleep at 11 PM …ohhh no wait, said almost 4 year old is sound asleep and what you think will be a sweet slumber for me turns into a party for the almost 2 year old as she stirs to wake. HHHMMM wanna bet on when we finally all got to sleep 💤 😴 😩 5 AM yeppers 5 AM…ah sweet slumber.

BAAAAMMMM its eyes wide open and the loud rumbles begin… what the heck how can they both be wide awake at 7:30 AM??? No don’t make eye contact surely, they will sleep again but no siree now Love (the April Fool’s dog who calls me her human) is ready to go. So, let’s all take a walk…why not we are all fully awake.

Hope you’re following me so far… back in the apartment and the almost 4-year-old now sounds like a grumpy dwarf from the fairy tale…ohhh patience please. aannnddd he’s out…yay! Ummm wait there’s the almost 2-year-old… wide awake.

You know where this went…almost 2-year-old falls asleep and almost 4 year awakes and thinking he’s now a prince determines the cook must now cook…ummm yeah me, that’s me…I’m the cook.

Fast forward to early evening (remember I’ve had 2ish hours of sleep) and we are going to have rest time…aka Kznonnie needs a nap…oh yeah, I’m also KZ-Nonnie.

Of course no one is having that…the cook, aka KZ-Nonnie is now the jungle gym…and the pile on begins…As the almost 1 year old grabs the rocks from our morning walk and starts to climb up in my lap, the dog dive-bombs the middle of my lap…with squeals from the almost 1 year old, the almost 4 year old realizes he’s the only one not on the jungle gym…so here comes the dog pile…literally. The dog right smack dab in the middle as the almost 1 year says “no, down, shhh, go, move” and swats at the dog (missing her of course). Well the almost 2-year-old gives in and pats the big black blob covering me (yell this cow dog mix is not little). And the squeals from the almost 4-year-old come in waves as he climbs aboard. Wheewwww…
Why all of this with the title “The Simpler Things”? Well because there will come a day when we long for this…the hugs, squeals, pile-ons, hug tights, and everyone vying for a spot in our laps.

Soooo I say to myself and anyone else who needs it…STOP, put down the computer, the phone, the distraction… just turn off the “NOISE” and FEEL THE LOVE! The love of simpler things…a lick in the face, a snout up the butt (yea I said it), a squeal of delight, a collection of rocks placed oh so strategically on your legs, the hug tights, the kisses, the request for the cook, aka KZ-Nonnie, the jungle gym and enjoy the simpler things in life.
To be loved lives on…build the moments that last for a lifetime…DOG-PILE!!

3 Replies to “The Simple Things…”

  1. Perfect! Now I need a nap!! I love this. Been caught up in some chaos the past few days, thanks for helping me be grounded again. LYS!!!!

  2. Ah yes, the simple things. The stuff of LIFE. My meditation course is helping me to get better at this. I learned an eating meditation this week. That was an experience. It felt so foreign to me to eat SLOWLY and to focus exclusively on that. Interesting thing was that I noticed that paying more attention to that helped me to better savor other aspects of my day as well. A spill-over effect.
    Change is the nature of things, and learning to savor the simple things is the spice of life!

  3. Enjoyed reading thing as it reflected some of the things in my own life. It makes me want to forget all the ugliness of the world, and just enjoy the simple things in life.

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